
To integrate HUB with ImplantBase for streamlined inventory management, improved client retention, and cost savings at Capital Medical, a leading Zimmer/Biomet distributor.

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Capital Medical Case Study.pdf


Inventory Managers, Operations Team, Client Relations Managers.


  1. Initial Analysis: Evaluate the limitations of the existing ImplantBase system, especially focusing on manual errors, inventory inefficiencies, and client retention issues.
  2. System Integration: Seamlessly integrate HUB with ImplantBase, enabling both platforms to work in tandem.
  3. Staff Onboarding: Train teams to adapt to the integrated system for inventory management and client interaction.
  4. Operational Monitoring: Use built-in analytics to track improvements in efficiency, inventory savings, and client retention.
  5. ROI Calculation: Periodically measure the financial impact and other KPIs to assess the benefits of the integrated system.

